St. Mary's is a full primary school and offers students the opportunity to complete their primary and intermediate education in a supportive and caring environment.
We welcome enrolments from Yrs 1 - 8. Enrolment Packages are available from the School Office. Please contact the Office Administrators with any queries you may have, or make an appointment to meet the Principal and take a walk through of the school. We look forward to meeting you.
The following information is given to assist Parents/Caregivers seeking to gain Preference of enrolment at a Catholic School.
• In seeking Preference of Enrolment at a Catholic School you need to make a commitment to actively supporting your child in his/her faith formation and the practices of the Catholic Church.
• The Diocesan Preference Certificate needs to be signed by a Parish Priest or other authorised Agent of the Bishop.
• A new Preference Certificate is required for each child in the family.
• Preference Certificates are school specific, in that the name of the school the family intends to make an application for enrolment, must be specified on the Certificate.
• A new Preference Certificate is required for transfer to another school, e.g. from one primary school to another or from primary to secondary school.
• The school retains the Preference Certificate.
The Agent for determining Preference is the Parish Priest.
5.1 The child has been baptised or is being prepared to baptism in the Catholic Church.
5.2 The child's parents/guardians have already allowed one or more of its siblings to be baptised in the Catholic faith.
5.3 At least one parent/guardian is a Catholic, and although their child has not yet been baptised, the child's participation in the life of the school could lead to the parents having the child baptised.
5.4 With the agreement of the child's parent/guardian, a significant familial adult undertakes to support the child's formation in the faith and practices of the Catholic Church. The significant familial adult is expected to be practising their faith in their own local parish. They may be a grandparent, aunt, or uncle who is actively involved in the child's upbringing.
5.5 One or both of a child's non-Catholic parents/guardians is preparing to become a Catholic.
Attendance at a Catholic school by Non-Preference students are not grounds for seeking preference of enrolment at another Catholic School.
We welcome enquiries from Non-Preference families.
The following information is for Parents/Caregivers seeking to gain a Non Preference enrolment at St. Mary's Catholic School Hastings.
State integrated schools have places for Non-Preference students.
(a) This school has a maximum of 20 places available.
There are currently no places available for 2024 or 2025.
The next likely places to be available will be in 2026.
(b) Non-Preference places Criteria:
(c) Non-Preference Criteria that apply to this school :
(d) Non Preference students who cannot enrol immediately may choose to be placed on a waiting list.
Students on this list are wait-listed by date and number and will be contacted if places become available.
Enrolment information is also available in hard copy from the School Office.
Enrolment enquiries - Please contact the School Office and arrange a time to meet with the Principal, Elizabeth Crowley.